Terms & Conditions
- Momin Shopping Center gives no permission to burn CD/DVD for your personal/business use.
- Distribution and resale is not permitted for certain products on which we have excusive distribution rights from the publishers.
- All orders are final, with no return Policy.
- As Soon as order received we will ship you within 24 hours with usps priority mail which takes around 4-5Business Days [Within USA] or 8-9 Business Days [Out side USA] , if you not received your items then please call us after 30 days of the date of order placed.
- Orders can be made thru Papal account or thru email; also purchases can be made thru major credit cards like visa and master.
- Customer is responsible for all the orders.
- Shipment will be done thru regular mail (USPS); $15 shipping charges for US and $20 for other countries will be applied.
- Customer purchase is a proof of accepting Terms and conditions mentioned above.
- All inquires can be directed to mas_24@yahoo.com or call us at 972-781-8291